Your guide to the third millennium A.D. · The Future, Science, Technology & More! Crowd-funding and Business Resources

Posted: May 11, 2011 by admin Crowd-funding, small company securities provides resources for start-up businesses and consumers.

Business websites & business webhosting also hosts business simple web pages for those small businesses and organizations that don’t need their own domain yet, need to put something up immediately or need supplemental web pages. In addition, links and information are provided for full-fledged web hosting, and fully managed IT services, including website development and management.

Business news & articles aggregates business news and provides original commentary and informational posts on business-related topics.

Multiple audience segments seeks to serve consumers, business owners, employees and start-ups with website sections catered to each.

Business entertainment and nostalgia

For those of us who live and breath business, we just can’t get enough! lists trailers of business movies, various types of business videos and has a section on business nostalgia and history; how business has looked, how it has thrived and how it has existed through the ages. website

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