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Posted: February 27, 2019 by admin

Plants: Belize jungle scene

Plant Marketplace

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We could not survive without plants. Many people in the modern, urbanized world are oblivious to that reality. Plants are where almost of all of our food comes from, one way or another. If we’re not eating fruits, vegetables or grains, then we’re eating such things as meat, produced by animals eating plants or things like mushrooms, which largely feed off organic matter ultimately produced by decayed plants.

For most of human existence, plants have had very practical purposes… food, shelter, clothing and many other uses. Herbs and spices might have been first collected and cultivated for medicinal value or just because we liked the smell and taste. As societies became more advanced and humans had more time on their hands, plants were sometimes enjoyed just for aesthetic value, an early, more well-known example being the famous “hanging gardens of Babylon“. With technological advance, resulting prosperity, political stability and basic freedoms, even the average person can now grow gardens, show off their own landscaping and have their own greenhouse or houseplants.

Throughout history, new contacts between people brought new discoveries of crop plants to improve nutrition and life quality. The great meeting of two worlds (the Old World and the Americas) 500 years ago opened up a huge new variety of cultivated and wild plants to both sides (see the Columbian Exchange). Now, the internet has provided a boost of even greater availability, so that people all over the world can more easily find and purchase or trade plants and seeds of almost any variety or species.

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