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Are featherless chickens really GMO/genetically-engineered?

Posted: February 5, 2012 by admin

Are these GMO chickens? Genetically-engineered without feathers... naked, or are they actually just conventionally bred?
Genetic modification or just conventional breeding?

Pictures of these creepy new chickens are going around the web, claiming these are genetically modified organisms (GMO), however, it is reported that these chickens were created through conventional breeding by an Israeli scientist. They were bred using a bare-neck breed of chicken (likely what’s called the “turken“) that’s been around for decades, that was also conventionally bred. In other words, barring any newer mutations, these naked chickens theoretically could have been bred 3000 years ago with an intensive breeding program with no modern technologies.

Sure they look creepy, but so do naked mole rats and manatees, yet they are totally natural, and in the wild, not bred by humans at all.

The scientist does have some good points – this could be a good hot weather chicken and could do a little bit to impact the environment less.

Story on New Scientist: Featherless chicken creates a flap

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Stephen Hawking says alien contact a bad idea

Posted: April 26, 2010 by admin

Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking

In a new series on the Discovery Channel, Hawking explains “If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans”.

My own thoughts are that it would be extremely hard to predict what intelligent aliens’ intentions might be, therefore it is safest to not have contact with them at all. That means, as Hawking also pointed out, not advertising our presence in the universe. In my opinion, sending out information out into space to meet these hopefully altruistic, nice aliens, as in the Pioneer 10 plaque, is naive and stupid beyond description. How do we know these aliens are going to be nice or even neutral? How do we know they wouldn’t wipe us out on contact? There is no way to know, therefore wisest to assume the worst. In the Army, they have a concept called “radio blackout”, where everyone turns off radio transmissions so that an enemy cannot find your position by triangulation. Could it be that other alien civilizations come to this same conclusion – that they can’t trust anyone else out there, and therefore enforce a permanent, planet-wide radio blackout? That would be one explanation of why we haven’t detected alien radio transmissions.

I also agree with Hawking’s point that just by statistical reasoning, any alien civilization more advanced than us, especially those with the ability of distant space travel, would be advanced to an extreme compared to us – likely by millions of years. I like to be an optimistic person, but resistance/defense would be absolutely hopeless. We would not be able to outsmart or defeat them with any weapons system, tactics or ideas we might have. Jeff Goldblum is not going to save us by uploading a virus. But the fact that we haven’t been destroyed already may mean no alien civilization out there is likely planning on it.

Do aliens have a
human-like form?

When I say “alien civilization”, the actual surviving lineage from a given planet may be a second or more generation life form or a system of AI-driven robots, that may have killed off or enslaved the original intelligent beings of the planet. In fact, even if the original aliens were still in control, they’d likely send robots on any deep space missions, rather than themselves. Of course we are doing this already, with Mars rovers, etc..

Would they know we are here? I suspect advanced alien civilizations would develop science and computer modeling to the point where they accurately can determine where in the universe life is most likely to develop.

Another point where I would side with Stephen Hawking is that animals on other planets would have surprisingly similar bodily arrangements/features as earth animals. I would go so far as to predict intelligent aliens would have a general human-like form, maybe not too unlike the “grays” type that has evolved in the popular imagination. My reasoning is the principle of convergent evolution – that is, that adaptions to very similar environmental/niche conditions produce similar adaptions.

That being said, life may be possible in other strange realms within the universe – that is, other combinations of conditions where life is possible and even likely. Could some form of life exist inside of stars or black holes? If life did exist in sets of conditions that were nothing like an earth-like planet, these principles of convergent evolution may not apply, and the form, behavior and chemical makeup of these life forms could be radically different.

I’ve noticed most theoretical physicists don’t theorize about evolution and life very well, but I have to say, Stephen Hawking does pretty good!

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Jellyfish and shrimp-like animal found under antarctic ice

Posted: March 16, 2010 by admin

Scientific researchers have discovered a kind of jellyfish and a shrimp-like animal 600 feet under an ice shelf in Antarctica, where no sunlight reaches. The discovery sheds light on just what types of lifeforms can survive where, for researchers.

However, in my estimation, just because life can survive 600 feet under an ice shelf on earth or deep underground on earth, doesn’t mean it would exist in equivalent spots on other planets and moons elsewhere in the universe. I think it would take somewhat robust success of life on a given planet or moon in more productive ecosystems to produce lifeforms that could thrive in such energy and heat starved environments. However, if a planet was more hostile, but had much, much more time for life to evolve or was even more overall stable than our planet has been, then complex life might arise in those challenging environments.

Shrimp found 600 feet below Antarctic ice

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Ancient Greenlander’s DNA a surprise

Posted: February 12, 2010 by admin

Prehistoric Greenland Man, 'Inuk'
Artist’s rendition of
ancient Greenlander

An analysis of an ancient Greenlander’s DNA (from a hair sample) yielded a surprise – that he was unrelated to modern, native Greenlanders and apparently was from a group that migrated from Siberia more recently than known ancestors of Native Americans. Researchers believe the group came from Siberia about 5,500 years ago and the man whose DNA was analyzed lived about 4,000 years ago.

This obviously blows up some previous assumptions about ancient migrations, etc., and I believe there will be many more surprises to be found in human DNA over the next couple of decades, revealing unexpected ancestries, migrations and more. Sure, 90% of archaeology, prehistory will remain the same, but 10% might need totally rewritten. Do South American natives have a small amount of Polynesian ancestry? Do Europeans carry any Neanderthal DNA at all? Mitochondrial DNA studies say something, but they don’t reveal the whole picture. Genetic contributors may leave no trace of mitochondrial DNA, though they contributed nuclear DNA. In fact, male-only contributors would leave no mitochondrial DNA trace at all, since mitochondrial DNA is only inherited through the mother. And simple genetic drift could easily wipe out maternal mitochondrial DNA contribution from female contributors, while the untested nuclear DNA contribution persists.

On a related note, who were the Clovis people? This finding with the ancient Greenlander DNA certainly lends credibility to the theories of the Clovis people being a genetically separate group who found the Americas on their own and died out or were assimilated into later migrations of the ancestors of modern Native Americans.

Ancient human genome sequence of an extinct Palaeo-Eskimo (Nature)

Ancient Greenland gene map reveals surprise (

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Folks trying genetic engineering at home

Posted: December 25, 2008 by admin

Test tubes: Biotech experiments at home.Seems people are trying genetic engineering (or the more politically correct “genetic modification”) at home make-shift labs for all sorts of interesting projects. Many of these people are those who had the insight to study biotechnology in college, but didn’t find a job in the field. Is this a good or a bad thing? I’d say overall, it’s great. Sure, there is the risk that some sinister soul would try to concoct a bio-weapon, but much more likely, is that this will get citizens more comfortable with these extremely important technologies. In some cases, children in the family or community may get involved and be inspired to pursue a career in biotechnology. There’s nothing like a lab in the home or close to home, to make obvious the concrete reality of what can de done nowadays. And some very small percentage may actually be successful in creating something of value to society. Remember the garage/apartment tinkering that launched the personal computer revolution (If not, see Pirates of Silicon Valley)? Good luck getting the product to market without the idea being stolen by a huge corporation with an army of patent lawyers though (that’s another article).

Scientific education supply companies also now provide a suprising array of genetic engineering kits to get you started. These kits may not be set up to create anything of marketable value, but are intended to educate in the principles, practice and understanding of recombinant DNA technology. And that is quite valuable in itself!

Amateurs are trying genetic engineering at home (Associated Press)

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